About the Track
- Added on 10 January 2021
- Description
Irrton - Irrtonale Musik
GingerEnsemble Bern & guest composers David Behrman & Peter Färber
In the Grossmünster Zurich & the Church of St. Peter and Paul Bern - Year of creation 2021
- Label electronic experomental performance
- Director GingerEnsemble
- 66 plays
With “Irrtonale Musik” the GingerEnsemble deliberately sets off on a slippery slope of mistakes and perceptual irritations, in search of phantom sounds and acoustic illusions, of virtual irritations, of deliberately controlled and misdirected resonances and sound phenomena to explore the reflections of the Bern Cathedral.
Together with David Behrman, we will probe the acoustic and architectonic conditions of the locations. This can lead to compositional structures which follow the layout of the churches, the different incoming light can lead to changing soundscapes – David Behrman was one the first composer/performer to control electronically produced sounds with photocells – and the three "ugly" bells (as the verger calls them) can serve as a base for "Irrtonale Musik".
A partly simultaneous round of compositions and performances by Lara Stanic, Klara Schilliger, Cyrill
Lim and Valerian Maly in ensemble with David Behrman: recent contemporary music and performance
investigates the sonic and perceptual space of the Grossmunster and the church St. Peter and Paul with cutting-edge and historical technologies.
A production by GingerEnsemble and Musikfestival Bern in cooperation with Kirchgemeinde St. Peter and Paul
Supported by UBS Kulturstiftung and Foundation Pro Scientia et Arte

The GingerEnsemble, founded 2010 grew out of the Department of Music and Media Arts at the Bern University of the Arts, dedicates itself to experimental music with a kind of “historical performance...