Martin Lorenz - Miniatur für Symbiose - neo
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Miniatur für Symbiose

52 plays
Composition, Chamber music
11 tracks

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Added on 18 December 2022

Year of creation
Florian Japp

Credits and thanks

Sebastian Hofmann, percussion
Martin Lorenz, analog modular synthesizer & percussion

recorded at Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zürich CH
November 19, 2022

camera by Sebastian Hofmann
video montage by Florian Japp
recorded and mixed by Martin Lorenz
mastered by Rupert Clervaux

supported by Covid-Arbeitsstipendiums 2022 der Stadt Zürich Kultur,
Fachstelle Kultur des Kantons Zürich, Fondation SUISA, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS

52 plays