Die Wände haben Ohren. Für Orchester (1972)

269 plays —
Composition, Orchestra
, 2017
Georges Aperghis
About this Track
- Added on 7 May 2019
- Year of creation 2017
- Label Eigenproduktion SRG SSR
- 269 plays
Credits and thanks
Basel Sinfonietta
Baldur Brönnimann, Leitung
Live-Aufnahme: 12.11.2017, Goetheanum Dornach
Tonmeister: Moritz Wetter

Basel Sinfonietta
Musik am Puls der Zeit
208 tracks
The Basel Sinfonietta is a full symphonic orchestra specializing in contemporary music. Both its musical profile and its democratic autonomy make it a unique ensemble worldwide. The Principal...
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