Lux Aeterna (Live)

12 plays —
Composition, Orchestra
, 2023
Lee Schornoz
Nikolina Pinko
TiramiSu Vocal Ensemble
Ensemble Ouroboros
About this Track
- Added on 10 November 2023
- Album Requiem Londinium
- Year of creation 2023
- Label Pro Stata Records, Warszawa, Polska
- Tags ida elena derazza, franziskanerkirche freiburg, eglise des cordeliers fribourg, joel martinho, thomas jenny, sandro schmutz, christophe egger, julien menth, frédéric zosso, sally jo rüedi, stéphane cosandey, manfred jungo, lee schornoz, nikolina pinko, ouroboros ensemble, tiramisu vocal ensemble, requiem londinium
- 12 plays
Credits and thanks
Manfred Jungo - Arrangement
Stéphane Cosandey - Arrangement
Gerald Hahnefeld - Recording - Mixing - Mastering
Corinne Gadient - Cover-Art

Lee Schornoz
Classical Avantgarde ...
22 tracks
Neues Lee-Schornoz-Album wird von Sinfonieorchester aufgeführt
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