About the Track
- Added on 7 November 2022
- Description
Excerpts of orchestral works by Swiss composer Fortunat Frölich
Nr 3
0:00 Föhn opera (play reading) for soprano, actors, male choir, chamber orchestra
1:56 Alpaufzug for large orchestra
4:05 Traum 1 for harp, marimbaphone and vibraphone (2 players)
5:20 silence for symphony orchestra
6:30 10der6 for voice and stringorchestra (stringquintett) and Percussion
7:45 blue wonderland music for string orchestra - Year of creation 2013
- Label rüffer und rub, musique suisse, city music
- Director Christian Zehnder
- Tags streichorchester, obertonmusik, opera, new music, schweizer komponisten, orchestra, neue musik, opera contemporain
- 17 plays

The Swiss composer Fortunat Frölich studied at the conservatories of Zurich (Switzerland), Napels (Italy) and the Academy of Music in Leipzig (Germany). The music of Fortunat Frölich is committed...