Funkloch OnAir - Funkloch OnAir 6 min Impression - neo
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Funkloch OnAir 6 min Impression

35 plays
Improvisation, Ensemble
2 tracks

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Added on 26 December 2020

Year of creation

Credits and thanks

Funkloch OnAir are experimental studio concerts with a simple idea:
One guest composer, one concept, one rehearsal with concert and broadcast on the same day.
The Funkloch OnAir Ensemble are:
Petra Ronner, piano, electronics
Lara Stanic, flute, electronics
Sebastian Hofmann, percussion, electronics, technology, space
...Down the stairs at Stationsstrasse 5 into the drum studio : cymbals, ratchets, cables and a different set-up every time. A guest a composer, an artist sent a concept to the ensemble. Rehearsals at three in the afternoon, then pizza, now concert. It's Sunday evening, nine o'clock. Over beer and chips we listen; to a production with minimal preparations, experimental, provisional. It's a trial, an experiment. We are there, we are part of it. This is how Sunday ends; completely open
Text by Andreas Pfister
Guest composers:
2018 Anselm Caminada, Cyril Lim, Quido Senn, Tom Huber ,Vincent Glanzmann, Chrstoph Grab
2019 Karin Ernst, Leo Collin, Annette Schmucki, Christian Wolfahrt, Peter Färber
Peter Emch / 8. March 2020
Iris Rennert / 5. July 2020,
Joke Lanz / 30. August 2020
Manuela Keller / 13. Dezember 2020
Franziska Bruecker / 16. 1.2021
Dorothea Rust / 24. 1. 2021
Joana Maria Aderi / 28. 3. 2021
Leo Hofmann / 27. 6. 2021

35 plays