18 plays — Interdisciplinary, Performance , 2013
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Musician, composer, performance and media artist, borne in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, lives and works in Switzerland.

Lara Stanic studied classical music, flute, Teacher and the Concert -...

  • Description

    Flight of sound
    In the performance Flight of sound I want to make loudspeakers fly. Thereby four loudspeakers are tied to four big, colourful helium balloons. These are held on the ground by four piles of sugar. I then try to imitate the sound of starting airplane engines on the flute with the support of live-electronics. With the ascending tones I try to adjure the loudspeakers to fly. I play until the loudspeakers have freed themselves from the piles of sugar and taken off thanks to the membranes of the loudspeakers.

  • Year of creation 2013
  • Director Lara Stanic
