About the Track
- Added on 24 January 2020
- Year of creation 2003
- 67 plays
Walter Stauffer, Klarinette, Masami Inoué, Violine, Olivier Darbellay, Violoncello
Eine schwebende, sehr leise Klarinettenphrase zu Beginn des Stückes mündet unmerklich (auf dem klingenden Ton –a-) in den durch Stimmgabeln (die zu diesem Zwecke speziell präpariert werden) auf dem Korpus der Streichinstrumente erzeugten Klang. Die ideale Verschmelzung der beiden Klangquellen wird zur Keimzelle des Werkes. Der Ton –a-, auf mannigfache Art erzeugt, wird zum Ausgangs- und Endpunkt, aber auch zum Bindeglied zwischen den verschiedenen, sehr stark kontrastierenden Elementen dieser Komposition.
My original idea composing the piece, later called “la”, was to write some very short pieces for clarinet, violin and violoncello. In one piece I introduced a prepared “muted” tuning fork, stroken by the string players who put it on their instruments, producing a very smooth “la” combined with pianissimo sounds of the clarinet. The effect is very “striking”, it’s thrilling listening to the transformation of the sound of the wind instrument to the tuning fork “resonance”. So I decided to use the “la” for connecting the short fragments. The central note runs over the whole piece in a lot of variations of the tone colour (open string of the violin, etc.) and is at the same time a transition note, a “coloured rest”, a “landmark”, almost a tonal centre in atonal music…, facilitating for the hearer the orientation in space and time.
J-L. D.
Jean-Luc Darbellay
Born 1946 in Bern. Composer, conductor and clarinetist.
Studies with Cristóbal Halffter, Edison Denisov and Dimitri Terzakis.
Masterclasses in Lucerne with Klaus Huber and...