Cécile Marti's tracks


Klangbild im Goldenen Schnitt, für violine und violoncello, 2024
Cécile Marti Bettina Boller +1
Water Crystals, for violin and piano, 2023
Cécile Marti Stefan Wirth +1
Wave Trip, for Orchestra
Cécile Marti BBC Concert Orchestra +1
Echo on BACH, for Cello Solo
Maja Weber
Seven Towers 4, 4th part of the cycle for orchestra and choir (2014)
Sinfonie Orchester Biel Solothurn
Ellipse, for string quartet, (2021)
Cécile Marti
Seeing Time 3, Ballet, for solo violin, (2021)
Cécile Marti Anna Agafia Egholm
Water Crystals, for violin and piano (2020)
Liederzyklus, Ein Geist geht um, UA in Basel (2021)
Cécile Marti Robert Koller +1
Thread, for Violin and Piano, (2015)
Cécile Marti Yoonhee Lee +1
Five Stages of a Sculpture
Cécile Marti Ensemble Multilatérale
In Stein Gemeisselt, for String Quartet (2019)
Cécile Marti Suyeon Kang +3
Forming Sculpture-Sculpting Process, for Piano Trio (2017/18)
Cécile Marti Absolut Trio
Seven Towers 1, 1st part of the Cycle for Orchestra and Choir (2012)
Cécile Marti Mario Venzago +1
Trennend Verschmelzen, for Soprano and Trumpet (2007)
Cécile Marti Elisabeth Germann +1
Hidden, for Violin and Cello (2011)
Cécile Marti Kirsten Harms +1
Wendung, for Piano two Hands - Filmed at National Sawdust, Brooklyn (2016)
Cécile Marti ZOFO Duet
Oktogon, for String Quartet and Horn Quartet (2008)
Cècile Marti Renaissance String Quartet +1
Wendung, for Piano four Hands (2016)
Cécile Marti ZOFO Duet
Wave Trip, for Orchestra
Cécile Marti Loh-Orchester Sondershausen +1
Thread, for Violin and Piano (2015)
Cécile Marti Yoonhee Lee +1
Changing Five, for Solo Piano (2010)
Cécile Marti See Siang Wong