The mesmerising sound of accumulation

2 Plays —
Komposition, Kammermusik
, 2020
Fernando Manassero
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 27 September 2024
- Erstellungsjahr 2020
- Tags multimedia, electroncis, lights, ensemble
- 2 Plays
Credits & Dank
The mesmerizing sound of accumulation (2020) for solo percussion, ensemble and electronics.
Written by Fernando Manassero [AR, 1984] in collaboration with Roberto Maqueda [SP, 1991].
Roberto Maqueda, solo-percussion
Sinforosa Petralia, Keyaboards
Chris Moy, E-guitar
Benjamin Coyte, Cello
Adrian King, Trombone
August 25th, 2020
Festival ATTACCA, Basel (CH)
Hochschule für Musik der Basel

Fernando Manassero
chamber music, orches...
7 tracks
Fernando Manassero Argentina/Italy
Composer, performer, and audiovisual artist based in Basel, Switzerland. In his works he explores the boundaries of genres, creating unexpected crossovers with...
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