"Unspoken" (2024) for ensemble and electronics
7 plays — Composition, Chamber music , 2024
cover image

Anna Sowa is experimental composer and artist, mainly focused on exploring electronic music and fields of performing arts. She is interested in the intersection of movement, gesture and...

  • Description

    Piece composed for the False Relationships and the Extended Endings Ensemble
    wit the financial support from UBS Culture Foundation.

    Audio - Sebastián Zuleta
    Video - Santiago Villar Martín / Musician’s Eye

    The piece "unspoken" was commissioned by the "False Relationships and the Extended
    Endings Ensemble" as part of the "Twisted Folksongs" project. According to the project's
    premise, it is a composition inspired by the cycle of "Folksongs" by Luciano Berio.
    Berio's work did not inspire me in terms of form or material used in the composition. Its
    atmosphere evoked memories associated with my family home.

    I come from a small mountain village where folklore was distinctly present. "Folksongs"
    evoked associations with a dark forest, which despite its apparent silence, hides a
    multitude of hidden mysteries, creatures, and lives. They are not audible, but they fiercely
    fight for their survival.

    It is not only the forest that is also full of legends and mysterious stories. In everyday life, there are many stories among us that everyone knows about, but no one wants to talk about out loud. Situations that go unresolved for years....

  • Year of creation 2024
  • Director Anna Sowa
  • Tags #voice, #percussion, #harp, #cello, #viola, #saxophone, #ensemble
Credits and thanks

False Relationships and the Extended Endings Ensemble

Ana María Fonseca Núñez (voice)
Phoebe Bognár (flute)
Cris Arcos Cano (saxophone)
Noah Rosen (percussion)
Alice Belugou (harp)
Sebastian Heimann (viola)
Josep-Oriol Miró Cogul (cello)
Christian Rombach (conductor)

