
7 plays —
, 2005
About the Track
- Added on 18 February 2024
- Description
Kabel' ist the German word for 'wire' and/or 'cable' and it's the album's title as Zimoun exclusively worked with sounds and noises from cables and wires. Sounds of loose connections, short circuits, broken cables, cable interference... The album consists solely of those noises that are usually avoided in audio studios at all costs. With these sounds, Zimoun crafted this series of polymetric and intricate rhythms.
released May 12, 2006
Published by Leerraum.net
- Album Kabel
- Year of creation 2005
- Label drone, post-minimalism, post-psychedelic, minimalismus, psychedelic, klangkunst, atmosphäre, geräusch, klang, lowercase, ambient, soundscape, microscopic, mikroskopisch, micromusic, microtonal, microstructures, mikrostruktur, international, polimetric, polimetrisch, einfachheit, komplexität, organic, organisch, klangarchitektur, soundarchitecture, klangskulptur, sound sculpture, contemporary, contemporary music, sound, noise, atmospheric, atmosphärisch, klangraum, flow, präpariert, zimoun, studio zimoun, bern, switzerland, polirhythmisch, polirhythm,
- Director Zimoun
- Tags experimental minimalism, verzahnung, polimetric rhythms, complex rhythms, rhythms, groove, beat, polirhythm, polirhythmisch, switzerland, bern, studio zimoun, zimoun, präpariert, flow, klangraum, atmosphärisch, atmospheric, noise, sound, contemporary music, contemporary, sound sculpture, klangskulptur, soundarchitecture, klangarchitektur, organisch, organic, komplexität, einfachheit, polimetrisch, polimetric, international, mikrostruktur, microstructures, microtonal, micromusic, mikroskopisch, microscopic, soundscape, ambient, lowercase, klang, geräusch, atmosphäre, klangkunst, psychedelic, minimalismus, post-psychedelic, post-minimalism, drone
- 7 plays

29 tracks
Zimoun is a Swiss sound and installation artist, composer, producer and musician. His work has been presented in Art Museums internationally. Recent displays of his work include exhibitions at the...
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