Andrzej Ojczenasz - Deux essences - concert for flute and symphonic orchestra - neo
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Deux essences - concert for flute and symphonic orchestra

8 plays
Composition, Orchestra
9 tracks

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Added on 4 February 2024


The piece Deux essences was inspired by the theory of positive disintegration
developed by a Polish doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, and philosopher Kazimierz
Positive disintegration is the process of internal development as a human
being, despite and thanks to the crisis and disintegration of the outside world. This topic
really moved me: in our times, I can notice a kind of rejection of any discomfort.
Kazimierz Dąbrowski realized that part of being a human is going through a crisis and
facing difficulties and pain, which, when lived well, lead to inner growth. He described
it as forming the theory of the process of positive disintegration, which leads at the end to
the Secondary Integration: balance and union of two essences: personal and social.
The process leads through five levels:
1. Primary integration
2. Unilevel disintegration
3. Spontaneous multilevel disintegration
4. Directed multilevel disintegration
5. Secondary integration
That formula was the perfect inspiration for writing 5 movements form for
soloist and orchestra. So, the flute soloist represents personal essence, and the
orchestra – a social one. Each of the movements is related to the stage of the

Year of creation
Jan Jazownik

Credits and thanks

Recording of the Polish premiere: 08.07.2023, AMKP Concert Hall, Kraków, Poland
CORda Cracovia Orchestra
conductor: Jan Jazownik
solo flute: Łucja Chyrzyńska

8 plays