Andrzej Ojczenasz - Vespers for solo viola - neo
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Vespers for solo viola

6 plays
Alicja Pyrdol
Composition, Solo
9 morceaux

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Ajouté le 4 février 2024


Vespers for solo viola was written especially for the Black Pencil ensemble, to perform it in th Museum Schokland - central point of the UNESCO world heritage site of Schokland and Surroundings in Netherlands.Nature forced the inhabitants of Schokland to leave the place, but, after years, people are able to visit it again and see the beauty of the historic balance between human activity and the beauty of nature. That reminded me Magnificat sequence from Vespers describing the internal state when the new life comes to a human being, everything changes a lot but provides a lot of happiness - after years, it is a reason for joyful remembrance.

Année de création
Régisseur (vidéo)

Crédits et remerciements

performer: Alicja Pyrdol

Swiss premiere performance, recorded during Uraufführungsabend der Kompositionsklassen Konzert
21.01.2024, 19:45, Toni-Areal, Konzertsaal 1, Ebene 7, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich

6 plays