Der schlechteste Gitarrist der Stadt und der beste Gitarrist der Stadt

14 plays —
Composition, Opera
, 2023
About the Track
- Added on 26 May 2023
- Description
Michael Fehr & Janiv Oron
Der schlechteste Gitarrist der Stadt und der beste Gitarrist der Stadt
(Südpol Luzern, 2022)Michael Fehr, stories & vocals
Janiv Oron, sound scapes & sound design
Ralf Samens, light concept & light design
Ramón Giger, camera & editing
Corinne Wegmüller, executive production
https://menschenversand.ch/ - Year of creation 2023
- Director Ramon Giger
- Tags narrative opera, speech opera, janiv oron, michael fehr
- 14 plays

Janiv Oron
19 tracks
BIO - Janiv Oron (1975, IL/CH)
is a media artist and DJ. He is a member of the Goldfinger Brothers, performer, composer of experimental electronic music and active in different formations....
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