Ensemble Proton Bern - Coming Together (1971) - neo
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Coming Together (1971)

26 plays
Frederic Rzewski
Jalalu-Klavert Nelson Susanne Blumenthal Ensemble Proton Bern
Composition, Vocal music
50 tracks

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Added on 3 May 2023

Year of creation
Eigenproduktion SRG

Credits and thanks

Ensemble Proton Bern
Jalalu-Klavert Nelson, Performance
Susanne Blumenthal, Leitung

Live Recording: 20. Februar 2023, Aula PROGR, Bern
Musikregie / Tonmeister: Joël Cormier

«Coming Together» basiert auf Textfragmenten aus einem Brief eines Insassen des Strafgefängnisses Attica, der bei den Attica-Aufständen von 1971 getötet wurde.
Der Text wird im Laufe des Werks mehrmals wiederholt:
«I think the combination of age and a greater coming together is responsible for the speed of the passing time. It’s six months now, and I can tell you truthfully, few
periods in my life have passed so quickly. I am in excellent physical and emotional health. There are doubtless subtle surprises ahead, but I feel secure and ready. As lovers will contrast their emotions in times of crisis so am I dealing with my environment. In the indifferent brutality, the incessant noise, the experimental chemistry of food, the ravings of lost hysterical men, I can act with clarity and meaning. I am deliberate, sometimes even calculating, seldom employing histrionics except as a test of the reactions of others. I read much, exercise, talk to guards and inmates, feeling for the inevitable direction of my life.»

26 plays