"The Suspense" (2023)
2 Plays — Komposition, Kammermusik , 2023
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Anna Sowa is experimental composer and artist, mainly focused on exploring electronic music and fields of performing arts. She is interested in the intersection of movement, gesture and...

  • Beschreibung

    "The Suspense" for 8 performers and instruments

    Spółdzielnia Muzyczna:
    Małgorzata Mikulska
    Tomasz Sowa
    Krzysztof Guńka
    Barbara Mglej
    Paulina Woś
    Jakub Gucik
    Aleksander Wnuk

    "Festiwal Prawykonań"( Festival of Premiers) at the NOSPR (National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra).
    12th March 2023 Katowice (Poland)

    Audio: Polish Radio
    Video: Matuesz Różański

  • Erstellungsjahr 2023
  • Regie (Video) .
