Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 27 Februar 2025
- Beschreibung
The piece was composed in 2025.
As you hear, I use several odd meters in this piece. The idea was not to create complication, but to follow the natural flow of the riffs the left hand is playing.
In the first part, I use the percussion-stop (little hammers striking the reeds in order to ensure a precise response) without operating the bellows.The instrument is by Peter Titz, made in Vienna before 1867 (not to be confused with Johannes Tietz!). It was restored by Simon Buser, Marburg/Germany. www.buser.org
- Erstellungsjahr 2025
- Regie (Video) Thilo Muster, Anatole Muster
- Tags polyrhythm, crossover, odd meters, harmonium
- 5 Plays
Thanks to Simon Buser and to Anatole Muster

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