Contrechamps - Ayre : Towed through plumes, thicket, asphalt, sawdust and hazardous air I shall not forget the sound of (2015) - neo
Play previews

Ayre : Towed through plumes, thicket, asphalt, sawdust and hazardous air I shall not forget the sound of (2015)

17 plays
Chaya Czernowin
Contrechamps Michael Wendeberg Rebecca Lenton Read more
Composition, Chamber music
191 tracks

More information

Added on 14 September 2020

Year of creation
Eigenproduktion SRG SSR
michael wendeberg, ayre, musique contemporaine, contrechamps, chaya czernowin

Credits and thanks

Contrechamps :
Michael Wendeberg, direction
Rebecca Lenton, flûte
Laurent Bruttin, clarinette basse
Sébastien Cordier, percussions
Maximilian Haft, violon
David Schnee, alto
Jan-Filip Tupa, violoncelle

Concert enregistré le 29 mars 2019
Producteur musical : Thibaut Maillard
Régisseur son : Jean-Claude Renou

17 plays