Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson - That Got Away, for piano solo (2017) - neo
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That Got Away, for piano solo (2017)

38 Plays
Annalisa Orlando
Komposition, Solo
5 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 15 September 2020


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That Got Away... by Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson
Annalisa Orlando, piano

In 19 sections:
1. Prologue
2.The Statement
3. Variation 1
4. Variation 2
5.Variation 3
6. With Closed Eyes
7. "For Bessie Nager" Kunstleren in memory (1962-2009)
8. He's Gone
9. "For Professor Leroy J. Hicks"
10. The Village Is Gone
11. For Iannis Xenakis
12. The Memory of....
13. Holding on... To...
14. In An Instant...
15. For Anas Al-Basha 24 years old. the Clown of Aleppo
16. the calm stillness within the whirling space
17. For John C. Eaton (1935-2015), composition teacher
18. Perpetual Motion in memory Julius Eastman
19. Joining of Hands to Form a Circle

38 Plays