Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 12 November 2019
- Beschreibung
Composer: William Dougherty (*1988)
Within a Region is a work centered on the harmonic region of a minor third (between B and D). The entirety of the pitch material is derived from a slow oscillation between the spectra of B, C, C#, D, and the microtonal regions between them. This limited harmonic palette is juxtaposed with highly disparate gestural material which first grows out of a single 7th natural harmonic on a C string at the onset of the work. Due to the special tuning (one piano is tuned down a quarter-tone and the hammered dulcimer is tuned down an eighth-tone), notated unisons sound as a blurred pitch region. Various written-out rhythmic devices such as the layering of multiple simultaneous tempi, accelerandi, and ritardandi serve to create a continuous undulation of the perceived tempo.
Franziska Fleischanderl: hammered dulcimer
Faristamo Susi and Judith Wegmann: pianos - Erstellungsjahr 2019
- Regie (Video) William Dougherty
- 54 Plays
Die Pianistin heute wohnhaft in Biel, ist im Kanton Zug geboren und aufgewachsen und begann im Alter von 6 Jahren mit dem Klavierspiel. Mit 16 Jahren studierte sie an der Jazz Schule Luzern (O....