Lukas Stamm - objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Für variables Ensemble (2019) - neo
Play previews

objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Für variables Ensemble (2019)

35 plays
Composition, Chamber music
4 tracks

More information

Added on 8 October 2019

Year of creation
Eigenproduktion SRG SSR

Credits and thanks

ensemble für neue musik zürich:
Hans-Peter Frehner, Flöte
Manfred Spitaler, Klarinette
Daniela Müller, Violine
Nicola Romanò, Violoncello
Marco von Orelli, Trompete

Liveaufnahme: 22. Juni 2019, Villa Sträuli, Winterthur (Konzert 2), Uraufführung
Tonmeister: Moritz Wetter

35 plays