Contrechamps - A Mirror on which to Dwell, pour soprano et ensemble (1975) - neo
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A Mirror on which to Dwell, pour soprano et ensemble (1975)

4 plays
Composition, Chamber music
194 tracks

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Added on 20 July 2021

Year of creation
Production RTS
o breath, view of the capitol from the library of congress, insomnia, sandpiper, argument, anaphora, ensemble, soprano, contemporain, geneve, contrechamps, elliott carter, a mirror on which to dwell

Credits and thanks

Rophé, Pascal Direction
Ensemble Contrechamps, Genève
Maric, Natasa Flûte
Zawodnik, Béatrice Hautbois
Meyer, René Clarinette
Rowland, Daniel Violon
Egidi, Hans Alto
Marron, Olivier Violoncelle
Haskell, Jonathan Contrebasse
Bassand, Anne Harpe
Volpé, François Percussion
Dördüncü, Bahar Piano
Louledjian, Melody Soprano Soliste


Terrapon, Luc Producteur/trice Radio
Lavanchy, Eric Régisseur
Renou, Jean-Claude Technicien/ne

4 plays