Lunea. 23 Sätze von Nikolaus Lenau für Bariton und Kammerensemble (2013)
136 plays —
Composition, Vocal music
, 2015
Heinz Holliger
About the Track
- Added on 29 May 2019
- Year of creation 2015
- Label Eigenproduktion SRG SSR
- 136 plays
Credits and thanks
Collegium Novum Zürich / Robert Koller, Bariton / Heinz Holliger, Dirigent
Konzertaufnahme: 28.10.2015, Tonhalle Zürich
Tonmeister: Andreas Werner
Heinz Holliger
77 tracks
Heinz Holliger is among the most versatile and most extraordinary musical personalities of our time.
After taking first prizes in the international competitions in Geneva and Munich, Mr....
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