music-go-round#1 - BIOTOPE

Atelier 013, PROGR (Eingang PROGR West)

Ilmars Šterns «The imitation of sound in experimental voice and composition»
→ lecture performance

Ilmārs Šterns (*1989, Riga) ist Sound-Performer und Stimmcoach.

Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit sind der Dialog zwischen Bewegung und Klang. Dabei nimmt er menschliche Bewegungen und Gesten unter die Lupe. Diese vervollständigen für ihn das Vokabular menschlicher Erfahrungen und Kommunikationsformen.

Ilmārs Šterns about

`The imitation of sound in experimental voice and composition`

In this lecture-performance we will focus on the topic `Onomatopoeia` - the phenomenon of creating a word that imitates nature or other non-verbal sounds by the human voice. Through graphic scores and performance examples we will get a closer look at onomatopoetic processes (Onomatopoeia is Greek for `names I made`) and see how they can shape a composition.

In the framework of ecology, we will explore cloth and its textile structures, sound and function imitating them through our own voice and gestures. Through this freshly created `musical instrument` we will create a soundscape composition together in space.

Eintritt chf 10.-/5.- (gratis für Mitglieder von pakt bern)
