Swiss Music Prizes - Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin | Swiss Music Prize 2019 - neo
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Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin | Swiss Music Prize 2019

3 plays
Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin
Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin
139 tracks

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Added on 20 December 2022


In 1983, Men Steiner, the musician from Scuol, decided to record old songs from the Engadine on vinyl, backed by Fränzli folk music. He asked clarinettist Domenic Janett to put together a band.

Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin was thus born, starting with a clarinet, cornet, double bass, viola and violin. Five well-trained musicians took to the road performing in choirs, jazz and folk bands, orchestras and schools in the Engadine and the lowlands. Madlaina Janett Flurin has meanwhile replaced Flurin Caviezel on the viola, Anna Staschia Janett Men Steiner on the violin, and the sound of Cristina Janett's cello has replaced Duri Janett's melancholic cornet. Domenic Janett has played the clarinet for 35 years and his brother Curdin has played bass and accordion for just as long. Curdin is the father of the violist and the cellist, his brother the father of the violinist.

Year of creation
Julien Chavaillaz & Annie Gisler
ils fränzlis da tschlin

Credits and thanks

Produced by Federal Office of Culture, Bern
Project Management - Giada Marsadri

Production - Julien Chavaillaz | Annie Gisler
Direction - Julien Chavaillaz
Image - Maxime Kathari
Sound - Camille Bonard
Edit - Julien Chavaillaz
Translation - Transit TXT AG
Graphic design - Noémie Gygax

3 plays