Swiss Music Prizes - Cod.Act – André & Michel Décosterd | Swiss Grand Award for Music 2019 - neo
Play previews

Cod.Act – André & Michel Décosterd | Swiss Grand Award for Music 2019

4 plays
André Décosterd Michel Décosterd Cod.Act
139 tracks

More information

Added on 20 December 2022


André and Michel Décosterd were both born in Le Locle, in 1967 and 1969 respectively. After graduating from the Ecole de Jazz et de Musique Actuelle (Ejma) in Lausanne, André specialised in programmed music and algorithmic composition. Michel has a degree in architecture. Soon after graduating, the brothers founded Cod.Act (1997). Since then, they have participated in numerous international exhibitions and received several awards, including the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica Linz and the main prize at the Japan Media Arts Festival three times.

Year of creation
Julien Chavaillaz & Annie Gisler
michel décosterd, andré décosterd, cod.act

Credits and thanks

Produced by Federal Office of Culture, Bern
Project Management - Giada Marsadri

Production - Julien Chavaillaz | Annie Gisler
Direction - Julien Chavaillaz
Image - Maxime Kathari
Sound - Bruce Wuilloud
Edit - Julien Chavaillaz
Translation - Transit TXT Ag
Graphic design - Noémie Gygax

4 plays