Swiss Music Prizes - Jürg Kienberger - Swiss Music Prize 2017 - neo
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Jürg Kienberger - Swiss Music Prize 2017

3 plays
Jürg Kienberger
Jürg Kienberger
139 tracks

More information

Added on 26 September 2022


ürg Kienberger was born in 1958 in Sils-Maria. He is a renowned theatre musician, cabaret artist, actor and singer. The self-proclaimed «music player» enraptures audiences with his inimitable tenor and virtuoso playing of just about anything with keys. He has provided music for more than 125 productions, mostly live as one of the players; his recitativist in Mozart’s «Figaro» and his work with Christoph Marthaler («Murx den Europäer!») are the stuff of legend. As a soloist- always in cooperation with his wife Claudia Carigiet- too («Ich bin ja so allein»), the self-taught Kienberger shows himself to be an artist of exquisite irony and infinitely delicate musical touch.

Year of creation
Julien Chavaillaz & Mathieu Cacheux
jürg kienberger

Credits and thanks

Produced by Federal Office of Culture, Bern
and Collection films, Paris/Lausanne

Project Management - Martine Chalverat
Direction and editing - Julien Chavaillaz & Mathieu Cacheux
Image - Bryan Lehman
Production - Collection films / Tom Guex
Sound - Grégoire Pasquier
Translation - Ariane Zehnder
Calibration - Fabio Caldironi
Graphic Design - Noémie Gygax

3 plays