Swiss Music Prizes - Elina Duni - Swiss Music Prize 2017 - neo
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Elina Duni - Swiss Music Prize 2017

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Elina Duni
Elina Duni
139 tracks

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Added on 26 September 2022


Born in Tirana in 1981, singer and composer Elina Duni creates music that is a plea for an open Europe. With her exceptional voice and stage presence, she builds bridges between Balkan traditions and contemporary Swiss jazz, for example on the successful albums of her quartet with Colin Vallon, Patrice Moret and Norbert Pfammatter (two of them on the ECM label). «Muza e Zezë» (2015) reveals her for the first time as a singer-songwriter, while 2016’s solo «Partir» tells in nine languages of migration and loss, and how the tension between homeland and foreignness constantly reinvigorates her art.

Year of creation
Julien Chavaillaz & Mathieu Cacheux
elina duni

Credits and thanks

Produced by Federal Office of Culture, Bern
and Collection films, Paris/Lausanne

Project Management - Martine Chalverat
Direction and editing - Julien Chavaillaz & Mathieu Cacheux
Image - Maxime Kathari
Production - Collection films/ Tom Guex
Sound - Grégoire Pasquier
Translation - Ariane Zehnder
Calibration - Fabio Caldironi
Graphic Design - Noémie Gygax

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