Swiss Music Prizes - Cathy van Eck – Swiss Music Prize 2015 - neo
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Cathy van Eck – Swiss Music Prize 2015

8 Plays
Ohne Kategorie, Unclassified
139 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 15 September 2022


Cathy van Eck was born in Netherlands in 1979 and has been lecturer in music and media arts at the Bern University of the Arts since 2007. A sound artist, she seeks out the relationships between everyday objects and human beings, exploring ways of using loudspeakers and microphones as musical instruments. In her conceptually based performances and sound installations, she manipulates microphones, loudspeakers and sound objects she has designed herself. She often works with directors and choreographers on an interdisciplinary basis.

Regie (Video)
Julien Gremaud, Noémie Gygax

Credits & Dank

Swiss Music Prize 2015
Edited by Federal Office of Culture, Berne
Project managers: Martine Chalverat

Art directors: Noémie Gygax, Julien Gremaud
Direction and editing: Olivier Bemer
Production and interview: Julien Gremaud
Sound designer: Aurélien Hamm
Graphic design: Noémie Gygax
Translation: Lisa Stein

8 Plays